A classic scenario, a parent notices their infant has started having trouble sleeping. She is waking often at night and crying more during the day and night. She may begin chewing on EVERYTHING! Later she is pulling on her ears frequently. No matter what the parent does to console this baby, nothing helps this otherwise healthy, possibly even exclusively, breastfed little girl. Attempts at more frequent nursing, teething remedies, and extra cuddles may help here or there, but aren’t making a significant difference. We see this scenario over and over again. It is very difficult on the parents, they are frustrated they can’t help their baby, they are over tired and don’t know what else they can do.
Photo from Sydney Ear Nose & Throat Clinic |
Happy drooling teether |
The existence of a subluxation also explains why the typical teething remedies, breastfeeding and consoling by the parent did not take care of the problem. It’s not to say those aren’t helpful because they probably were but they were not fixing the root cause of this triad.
So please, parents, when your child starts to give you signals such as difficulty sleeping, colic, chewing on everything, runny nose, and pulling on ears, be empowered by the knowledge you have gained, you are their care provider, they are counting on you. These signs are their communication. Take your little one to your chiropractor. It is a simple, gentle, non-invasive and completely safe treatment method to treat the root cause, the spinal fixation, so that her body can do what it innately knows how to do. You will save her from unnecessary antibiotics, from tubes with potential devastating consequences (we know children who have experienced hearing loss from tubes). She will be so grateful and you will be too when you see that precious little one feel better, sleep better and you will in turn sleep better too. We are so thankful to have learned this information before having children and our children have benefited. We hope your family will benefit too!
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